Cancer Recovery
Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery
Living Well With and Beyond Cancer
Learn MBCR, an evidence-based scientifically tested and well-established mindfulness training program for cancer patients and their support network. Created by Linda Carlson and Michael Speca at the University of Calgary, MBCR has been running as a clinical program for over 20 years and served thousands of patients; now you can bring it home with you.
Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery (MBCR) Facilitator Training Online Course
Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery (MBCR) is an evidence-based scientifically tested and internationally-recognized mindfulness training program for cancer patients and their support network. It follows a 9-week, group-based training program.
This MBCR training program is for healthcare professionals to learn to facilitate MBCR. This is the only specialized training program for MBCR facilitators, led by the program creators.
Created by Dr. Linda Carlson and Dr. Michael Speca at the University of Calgary, MBCR has been running as a clinical program for over 20 years and served thousands of patients; now you can bring it home with you!
Mindfulness and Cancer
Excerpt from Full Catastrophe Living by Jon Kabat-Zinn:
"There are now a number of mindfulness-based approaches developed specifically for people who have cancer and want to work with it in the ways we have been describing. One is the Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery Program, developed by Linda Carlson and Michael Speca of the Tom Baker Cancer Center at the University of Calgary. They have published a number of papers showing major improvements in patients with breast cancer and prostate cancer on a range of physiological and psychological measures as a result of their cancer-oriented MBSR program. These include a one-year follow-up study showing enhanced quality of life, decreased stress symptoms, altered cortisol and immune patterns consistent with less stress and less mood disturbance, and decreased blood pressure. "ABOUT THE MBCR TEAM
Dr. Linda Carlson,PhD, R.Psych., holds the Enbridge Research Chair in Psychosocial Oncology and is Full Professor in Psychosocial Oncology in the Department of Oncology, Cumming School of Medicine at the University of Calgary. She is the Director of Research and works as a Clinical Psychologist at the Department of Psychosocial Resources at the Tom Baker Cancer Centre. Dr. Carlson's research in psychosocial oncology has been published in many high-impact journals and book chapters, and she has received many national and international awards for her work. She published a patient manual in 2010 with Michael Speca entitled: Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery: A step-by-step MBSR approach to help you cope with treatment and reclaim your life, in addition to a professional training manual in 2009 with Shauna Shapiro entitled The Art and Science ofMindfulness: Integrating mindfulness into psychology and the helping professions. She has published over 200 research papers and book chapters,holds several millions of dollars in grant funding and is regularly invited to present her work at international conferences.
Dr. Michael Speca, PsyD, R.Psych., is Adjunct Associate Professor in the Division of Psychosocial Oncology, Cumming School of Medicine at the University of Calgary. In addition to his research contributions and conference presentations, as a clinical psychologist at the Tom Baker Cancer Centre, he counseled cancer patients and their families, facilitate. a range of group support programs, and cofounded the Centre's popular Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery program. He has received several awards for clinical excellence- twice from the Cumming School of Medicine’s Department of Oncology and also from the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology.
Resources for Patients
Learn more about Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery resources.
Book: Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery
For patients
A step-by-step MBSR approach to help you cope with treatment and reclaim your life.
Research shows that if you mentally prepare yourself to handle cancer treatment by getting stress and anxiety under control, you can improve your quality of life and become an active participant in your own recovery. Created by leading psychologists specializing in oncology, the Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery program is based on mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), a therapeutic combination of mindfulness meditation and gentle yoga now offered to cancer survivors and their loved ones in hundreds of medical centers, hospitals, and clinics worldwide. Let this book be your guide as you let go of fear and focus on getting well.Live Online Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery Program - via eMindful
For patients
Created in collaboration with the University of Calgary, MBCR is a 12-week cancer class for patients facing some of the issues that are specific to their illness. Studies show that mindfulness practice increases immunological functioning, improves the quality of life for cancer patients, and provides better focus and decision-making skills. Yet many people under medical care for cancer cannot access support programs due to geographical distance, transportation issues, cancer-related illness or limited mobility. eMindful's MBCR program is the only mindfulness-based cancer support program available in a live, online interactive classroom. Anyone with an Internet connection can participate.
The Mindfulness-Based Cancer Survivorship Journey mobile training program - via the Am Mindfulness App
For patients
A mindfulness journey for cancer survivors, led by the world's greatest authorities on mindfulness in cancer care.
To access, download the Am Mindfulness app, navigate to Journeys, and select Mindfulness Based Cancer Survivorship.Resources for Clinicians
Learn more about Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery resources.
Book: The Art and Science of Mindfulness
For clinicians
Integrating mindfulness into psychology and the helping professions.
Shauna L. Shapiro and Linda E. Carlson draw from Eastern wisdom and practices as well as Western psychological theory and science to explore why mindful awareness is integral to the therapeutic healing process and to show clinicians how to connect with this deeper awareness. Intention is fundamental to any project, endeavor, or journey. Related to intention is the concept of mindfulness—the awareness that arises through intentionally attending to oneself and others in an open, caring, and nonjudgmental way.Dr. Linda E. Carlson's Research & Publications
For clinicians
Dr. Linda Carlson was recently re-appointed for her third five-year term as the Enbridge Research Chair in Psychosocial Oncology, is a Full Professor in Psychosocial Oncology in the Department of Oncology, Cumming School of Medicine at the University of Calgary. She is Director of Research and works as a Clinical Psychologist at the Department of Psychosocial Resources at the Tom Baker Cancer Centre.
Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery (MBCR) Facilitator Training Course
For clinicians
Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery (MBCR) is an evidence-based scientifically tested and internationally-recognized mindfulness training program for cancer patients and their support network. It follows a 9-week, group-based training program.
This MBCR training program is for healthcare professionals to learn to facilitate MBCR. This is the only specialized training program for MBCR facilitators, led by the program creators.
Created by Dr. Linda Carlson and Dr. Michael Speca at the University of Calgary, MBCR has been running as a clinical program for over 20 years and served thousands of patients; now you can bring it home with you!
Talks: For Patients
Talks about Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery
Mindfulness - A key for personal and collective evolution
Mindfulness is thought of as nonjudgmental present-moment awareness of experience; a simple practice that can be life changing and transformative, yet is often misunderstood. In this engaging and powerful talk Dr. Carlson shares her insights into the why, what and how of practicing mindfulness, gleaned from nearly 20 years teaching mindfulness-based stress reduction to thousands of patients and researching its benefits in healthcare settings
Mindfulness and Cancer
Dr. Linda Carlson is a Clinical Psychologist at the Department of Psychosocial Resources at the Tom Baker Cancer Centre in Calgary. She joins us today to discuss the mental programming initiatives at the Tom Baker as well as to address the broader topic of cleaning your mind of stress and distractions and the physiological benefits it can have on cancer recovery. Carlson leads a couple stimulating brain and yoga exercises, as well as dissecting some key research on brain therapy and how it is changing how we treat illness.
Mindfulness and Cancer: What is it and how can it help me?
Canadian Cancer Society
- Mindfulness is defined as present-moment nonjudgmental awareness of current experience
- Training in mindfulness meditation as a way to cultivate mindfulness in daily life has become increasingly popular for both the general public and for people coping with cancer
- Our program called Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery is an 8-week training program which introduces participants to a range of meditation and yoga techniques to help those living with cancer
- Our research results show improvements in stress, depression, anxiety, fatigue, sleep and other symptoms in cancer survivors
Mindfulness during Cancer: Conversation with Dr. Linda Carlson
Look Good Feel Better
2020 was a crucial year and brought on many new and reoccurring stressors not unlike the uncertainties of those faced with a cancer diagnosis. Mental health is now, more than ever, at the forefront of all our minds.
We sat down to chat with Dr. Linda Carlson, professor in the Faculty of Medicine and co-author of The Art and Science of Mindfulness (full biography below). She defines mindfulness as “Paying attention on purpose in the present moment with an open and accepting attitude." During the hour, Dr. Carlson helped break down what mindfulness is, provided research-based examples of how it can help reduce stress, support mental health during cancer and gave us practical mindfulness tips that can be beneficial in your everyday professional and personal lives.
Talks: For Clinicians
Talks about Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery
Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Coping with Cancer and Chronic Illness
USC Centre for Mindfulness Science
There is a growing body of literature supporting the use of Mindfulness-Based Interventions (MBIs) for helping people cope with chronic illness, including cardiovascular disease, irritable bowel syndrome, pain, HIV/AIDS and many other conditions. Our own work developing and testing the Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery (MBCR) program in cancer patients and survivors has spanned over 20 years and investigated a range of outcomes covering psychological symptomatology such as mood, stress, anxiety and depression, as well as common disease and treatment side-effects including sleep, fatigue and pain. We have also investigated biomarkers including blood pressure, cardiovascular and cortisol acute stress reactivity, daily salivary cortisol slopes, pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and telomere length. Recently we have been testing online interactive synchronous and app-based versions of the MBCR program for patients both during and after treatment, in an effort to improve accessibility and reach of MBIs.
MATCH comparing taichi and mindfulness in cancer care
Canadian Cancer Society
Dr. Linda Carlson holds the Enbridge Research Chair in Psychosocial Oncology, is an Alberta Innovates-Health Solutions Health Scholar, Full Professor in Psychosocial Oncology in the Department of Oncology, and an Adjunct Professor with the Department of Psychology at the University of Calgary. Her research focuses on mindfulness-based interventions in cancer care.
Reach Out
Feel free to reach out with any questions.